Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today is a lot calmer than the earlier part of the week so I'm seizing the day and stocking up on my creative inspiration. While doing this, I am also up loading my photographs from my incredible trip to Kenya earlier this year. We Art Directors are the best at multitasking. Looking back to at the paradise i called home for two weeks brings a terrible sense of nostalgia. If only life was always so simple. If the sun always shone and mornings always started with a trip to the bottom of your garden for a swim in the sea. I suppose I will always have the beautiful memories but why does the real world have to consist of sitting in-doors looking at a computer? Ah, one day, I will live in the wilderness, bathing in the sun, eating fresh fruit from the trees and washing in the ocean. One day...

 Just another day in Watamu, riding a camel on the beach.

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